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emily foley

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bright. brainy. big-hearted. 

Emily's an NYC-based actor who was was clearly a spelling bee kid. She's an animated, precocious, pingy mixer, full of sunshine and charm. She might look vaguely British, but don't be fooled - her North Carolina accent comes out when she’s talking about her passions - like embroidery, Nerds Gummy Clusters, and reality competition shows.


headshots & resume

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other work

You might also know Emily from her work at Actor Therapy, Lindsay Mendez & Ryan Scott Oliver's groundbreaking Musical Theatre training program. 

Actor Therapy cultivates a vibrant  artistic community that facilitates comprehensive personalized growth for theatre artists as they strive for a long and versatile career. Learn more about AT here, or follow us on Instagram



 (919) 675-3301 

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